Guys - Sub 19:00.00

Gals - Sub 22:05.00

Hey Coach…am I on Varsity?

Above posted times will dictate “Varsity” status and eligibility to run in the designated Varsity races throughout the Waconia XC Fall season schedule. Please note that athletes will not be elgible or considered for a Varsity spot/position within a race unless they are AT OR BELOW the above posted times. First Meet (St. Olaf) “Varsity Squads” will be based on Time Trials and ALL events thereafter will be based on “Last Meet” time. We will run a team of 3 atheltes at a meet if we don’t have enough Varsity Qualifying times within our ranks. The XC staff believes this philosophy will help provide clarity and place kids in the correct race for thei ability level. We believe that an athlete will perform best and will be better equipped to chase that PR (Personal Record) if they are placed in the correct level of race throughout our race season.

So..are you on Varsity? (you show us!) #BAM #HECKYA