Team Workout Schedule
CLICK HERE for Fall Weight Lifting Schedule
Practice Notes:
1) ALL XC Athletes Grades 7-12 are expected to be at practice everyday.
2) Daily attendance will be taken and tracked throughout the season. An athlete who shows a inconsistent pattern of attending practice will be dropped from the official roster & asked to leave the team.
3) PLEASE communicate with Attendance coaches throughout season to secure permission to miss a meet or a practice.
"Excused" Absence = Make up Test, Need Extra Help after school from Teacher, Illness
" Un-Excused" Absence = Show Choir Audition, Shift at Work, Haircut
4) THE LAW - If an athletes misses XC practice the day prior to a competitive meet (for ANY reason excused or unexcused), the athlete WILL NOT be allowed to race at that meet. Athletes that are ineligible for an event are expected to travel with team to meet.
5) Each and EVERY day at XC practice kids will get a choice of what Tier (level of difficulty) they want to practice within...we will usually have 3 Tiers and it is their choice as to where they think they should be. We are here to PUSH kids and not KILL them..we want everyone involved to find a "fit", so they are comfortable and in command of their own fitness. Our TOP Varsity squads (7 per gender) on both Gals and Guys are expected to spend most of the season completing Tier 3 workouts.
Tier One = Basic (Developing Athlete)
Tier Two = Normal
Tier Three = Advanced (Varsity & Top JV)
6) Basic Interpretation of Workout Calendar:
CV (Critical Velocity) = 2 Kilometer Repeats at about 90% of 5K Race Pace
Tempo = specific distance at a specific "bit faster" pace
Pre-Meet = the day prior to a competition the athletes will work through a specific "lower impact" workout (Warm-Up, Extended Dynamics, 150 meter sprints, extended stretch/roll)
Long Run = simply a LONG run...longer than normal distance at an easy talk/run pace
Repeats = speed day...if it states "400 Repeats" it is 400 meter sprints repeated
Recovery Run = day after a race or big effort, nice and easy mid-distance effort
Hills = Hills, running up hills repeatedly
Running is a thing worth doing not because of the future rewards it bestows, but because of how it feeds our bodies and minds and souls in the present. - Kevin Nelson