Waconia XC has been a HUGE part of Waconia’s Nickle Dickle Day running events for 20+ years. This is our time to shine in Waconia and a chance to be out and help our community! The basic expectation of our athletes during the ND races…is to volunteer and be a part of this small town celebration! Below you will find information regarding this event & coaches will be working with kids to get them signed up and ready to rock!! #loveourhometown

Nickle Dickle Day Sign-Up

Report 6:30am BV Gym

Wesley Hammersten and Devon Stifter

Charlie Steffen and Logan Jandro

Brayden Donnley and Danica Winnie

Greeters and Race Finish Line Control (4) HS Athletes Report 6:30am BV Gym

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Bikers - Kaden Sheldon,  Mcullen Mayo, Luke Koschinska, Mikey Babcock, Charlie Steffen

Route assignments

#1 - Grady Schulz, Oliva Lorenz, Emily Hunter, Brenna Senn

#2 Mikko Erickson, Jacob Erickson, Oliver Butler, Sam Catron, Ethan Hascal

#3 Ben Heiberger, John Eddie, Hudson Sufka, Everett Worm, Keegan Hammersten

#4 Brynn Waterhouse, Hazel Dubbe

#5 Nora Larson, Grace McClain, Lily Kostechka

#6 Avery Hess, Brekken Miller, Ezra Gilden

#7 James Klosterman, Own Stutelberg, Jake Senne

#8 Maggie Hanson, Margo Leach, Annabel Lukens

#9 and #10 Lucy Miller and Aurelia Pena

#11 Pedro Medina and Mason Stock

#12 Elle Baggenstoss, Hannah Hughes, Ada Harmon, Sophi Grundhofer

#13 Amelia Cambell, Alya Sufka

#14 Izzy Moyer, Zoe Cordes, Ameilia Schmidt, Danica Kendrick

#15 Abigail Kircil and Paula Calvo

#16 Samuel Predovich, Jack Steffen, Jack Thor, Hayden Kruger, James Eddie, Jayce Kuffle, Carter Lauwagie

#17 Gunnar Gorrie and Mitchell Moyer

#18 Soren Kendrick and Jackson Klingelhutz

#19 Paige Kruger and Audrey Squires

#20 Lars Gorrie and William Mcpherson

Notes to XC Athlete Volunteers…

  1. Please Wear XC Uniform TOP (need for tickle race) or XC Apparel

  2. Please Arrive/Report ON TIME (know where and when)

  3. Please Wear Running Shoes

  4. KNOW your responsibilities for Area

  5. The Tickle Run with the Kids...IS AWESOME!!


ALL Student Volunteer Athletes Report to TANK near Bayview at 9:30am

Notes to XC Athlete Volunteers…

  1. Please Wear XC Uniform TOP

  2. Please Arrive/Report ON TIME (know where and when)

  3. Please Wear Running Shoes

  4. KNOW your responsibilities for Area

  5. The Tickle Run with the Kids...IS AWESOME!!

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