At Home Training Guide WT&F
Week of Monday March 23rd to Sunday March 29th
Note to Athletes: always practice using “Social Distancing”…the Bayview Track is ALWAYS open for business & zipping around city blocks is a great alternative! Need More guidance? = text/email your event coach…we are here to help!!
Distance/Mid Distance: (includes FULL Warm-up)
Mid 10x200 with 200 jog between reps w. 800 cool down
Dist 6x400 with 400 jog between reps w/ mile cool down
Mid Recovery Choice 3 miler or 30 min Cross Training & Weights
Dist Recovery Run 4 miles & Weights
Weights = 28 Minute Workout (Found on left of page)
Note: don’t have free weights = Milk Jug full of water is 8/9lbs (get creative)
Mid 2 min hard, 2 min easy for total of 24 minutes
Dist 4 mile tempo run
ALL 3-4 miles easy with 6x150 strides/sprints (60) “walk back”
Mid 8X40s Sprints w/ 90 sec between & 1 mile cool down
Dist Long Hill Repeats (3 min duration) X4 reps w/ 1 mile Cool Down
Weights: Dumbbell Circuit (Found on left of page)
Sat- “Long Run”
Mid = 4 miles
Dist = 6 miles
Sun - Rest
Monday- Strength Training and Plyo's from at home workouts from website
Tuesday- 3x 400's at 70%? If you can't sneak to the track, do a 2 mile tempo run.....
Wednesday- At home from our website
Thursday- 150 meter build ups or at home workouts
Friday- Find friend, and jog to cemetery hill and do 8 hills, making sure that one of you is on the left side of the street and the other is on the right.....
THrowers: Strength & Form, Form, Form